Ace of Aces is the former of The Miracle Makers.
He is a little moody. 
He hates loses, and some people says, that he don't enjoy the game much :-).
But, he only wants to prove something in the game.
He knows, what kryptonite means ^^.
His favourite player is Rekkles and PhantomL0rd and his favourite team is MYM.
He is trying to stream, but, it's really hard :D.
He is fucking tired of people telling gamers to "get a life". Having a life, is doing what you feel happy with doing and doing it with like-minded people, not to pursue some fake unexceptional ambitions because the public majority thinks that is what one ought to be doing to achive respect ..
He likes manga pictures.
Ace of Aces
He started in the jungle then he moved to top.
He played top for 4 months, then he moved to the mid for 2 weeks.
After the mid experience, he started playing botlane with his friend from his childhood (Black Metal).
So, he is playing ad carry on bot for about 2-3 months
His favorite music style is Trance.
He likes Heroes of Might and Magic 3.