The Miracle Makers - Players​​​

Solo top

His first nick was Retardczech, when he reached lvl 30, he decided to be and AD Carry, but he liked solo lanes for a long time.
He was the former of CechoSlovaciI and he still played there after the big reconstruct (only he and Ace of Aces, played in the first CechoSlovaci era)
In his early carrier he was playing AD Carry for team Cechoslovaci (look at about us). After 4 months, he was benched and it was his end in Cechoslovaci. Cechoslovaci renamed to Spurs, then to The Miracle Makers, he was still substitute.  He played World of Warcraft a lot in this time.
When Malfegors Breath left the team, he played mid/top for a little time.
After the TMMrs restart, they were looking for a solo top player and Rossaldo was one of the first choises for his team loaylity and heavy potencial.
He is playing on solo top right now with his Lee Sin. He has the best skin for Lee :).


AP Carry (mid)

Noone know if is better to write the first letter big or small, bot nobody cares about it.
He started playing LoL in December 2011, because Ace of Aces told him about it.
His career is not very long. He started playing mid when his very good friend (just guess who!) told him, that they have a place on mid in TMMrs.
He never played in a team before and  he is not very experienced on mid, but he is very progressive, friendly and he wants to be better than all others.
His pet champs are Vladimir and TF but he is testing a lot of champions right now.

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